主持: 1. 《电致Ag纳米颗粒增强硅纳米晶的电致发光研究》,(黔科合基础[2018]1084),10万元,主持,2018. 08-2021.07,已结题。 2. 《Ag纳米颗粒的制备及增强硅基LED发光的研究》, ([2018]577-YB17), 6万元, 主持,2018. 05-2020. 06,已结题。 3. 《量产硅量子点的结构优化及发光特性研究》,(黔教合[2016]155),7万元,主持,2016.06-2019.07,已结题。 4. 《黑磷发光性能的研究及复合光器件的制备》, (WFKF2020-05),10万元,主持,2020.10-2023.09,结题。 |
Ø 第一作者或通信作者论文(*标记为通信作者,#为共同一作): 1. J.R. Chen * , M.J. Peng , C. Chen , Y. Zhang , D.S. Ren ,Study on the modulation of luminescence peak position and luminescence, Physical E 165(2024) 116078. 2. Y. Luo, X. Yang, L Yue, D. S. Ren, J. R. Chen*, Effect of phosphorus doping on the luminescence intensity of Si-NC in SiO/Si multilayers,optic express, (2023) 24566. 3. J. R. Chen, D. C. Wang, M. Lu3, C. Zhang, Y. Q. Zhang, Tuning the photoluminescence peak position of Si nanocrystals by chemical etching, Journal of Electronic Materials. (2021) 11664. 4. J. R. Chen, D. C. Wang, D. S. Ren, M. Lu, M. J. Peng, Improving the electroluminescence of Si nanocrystal via black silicon and silver surface plasmons, Applied Physics A, (2021) 127:154. 5. 陈家荣,《硅纳米晶发光增强研究》,西南交通大学出版社,2017年7月,ISBN 978-7-5643-5468-8。 6. J. R. Chen, Z. Q. Zhou, H. C.Hao, M. Lu, Enhancing the brightness of Si nanocrystal light-emitting devices with electro-excited surface,Nanotechnology 25 (2014)355203. 7. J. R. Chen, D. C. Wang, H. C. Hao, M. Lu,Achieving high brightness of silicon nanocrystal light-emitting devices with a field effect approach,Applied Physics Letters 104(2014)061105. 8. J.R.Chen, D.C.Wang, Z. Q. Zhou, M. Lu, Effects of interfacial barrier confinement and interfacial states on the light emission of Si nanocrystals,Physical E 56 (2014) 5-9. |